LEDGER : You Saved My Life


After the downfall of Celcius Network I was left completely heartbroken.

The majority my crypto assets are now completely locked up in my Celcius Wallet. To be very frank I have lost my complete hope in getting them back in my wallet ever.

The second wave of blow came when Mr Vitalik decided to convert Ethereum from PoW to PoS. This made me completely crippled. Mining using GPU/CPU is now completely useless. However, I Never wanna give up.

I understand that the crypto market is one of the super volatile markets that I have ever scene. However, the assets I own are all collected from either web faucet claims or by GPU mining which literally means a lot of effort, time and electricity to me.

When the world was completely against my wish of GPU Mining and holding my crypto peanuts, I saw a bit of hope when one of my mates introduced me to the Ledger Nano X.

After doing a bit of research I went ahead an bought one of them.

To be very frank, having one of these devices not only gives u a bit of a pride but also gives you the hope that you are the sole owner of all your crypto assets. 

I can now close my eyes and say that Ledger is one place for all my crypto needs.

As you guys already know that crypto is not something that you can touch or feel. When you own crypto, what you really own is a private key that gives you access to your coins. Your job is to keep them secure and not share it with anyone in this world.

A Ledger is a hardware wallet when combined with the Ledger Live app, is the best way to secure your crypto and NFTs. This hardware wallet keeps your private key protected in a certified secure chip on a USB stick like hardware wallet. Nobody can access it except you. Any transaction must be verified on the device’s trusted display and physically confirmed by you.


With Ledger Live App, you can securely holdmanagestakeswap over 5,500 coins and tokens. on your hardware wallet. Below is a snip of few major ones. You can find the list of all supported crypto assets on this page.

To be very frank, this small little doobie has given me a new hope and a big smile on my face. So, what are you guys waiting for? Go ahead and order one of your own now:

My Referral Link: https://shop.ledger.com/?referral_code=XVZ9ZG79BTWYC

My Referral Link: https://shop.ledger.com/?referral_code=XVZ9ZG79BTWYC

This post has been taken from : https://www.publish0x.com/lost-crypto-blog/ledger-you-saved-my-life-xqezgjk

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